What to Expect

  • iPhone Camera Settings

    To start we will go over what are the proper camera setting on your iPhone and how to get the best image out of the native camera app.

  • Shooting Video for Real Estate

    We continue the course covering how to capture shots specifically to help enhance the home and showcase it the best way. With a step by step shoot list,​ you will be able to follow along easily.


    This course will walk you through the process of how I edit my Real Estate videos in both Final Cut ProX and directly on the phone using iMovie.

Watch Intro Video

Listing Shot on iPhone

Course curriculum

    1. Training Course Intro

    2. About Me

    1. iPhone Settings

    2. Setting Exposure

    3. Setting Up The Gimbal

    4. Pre-Shoot Checklist

    1. Shot Variations

    2. Listing Shot List

    3. Bonus Shooting Tips

    1. Editing Listing Videos on the iPhone

    2. Editing Listing Video on the Mac

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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